Make Your Own Spelling Tests
Power Spelling removes the need to grade spelling tests manually. Simply assign a publicly shared word list, choose a list from one of the major publishers, or create your own word list and assign it to your students.
Use Power Spelling for weekly spelling tests or daily practice throughout the week. Spelling Tests can be teacher led or delivered 100% automated using high quality speech technology.
If you are in need to give a spelling test remotely or virtually, Power Spelling can help with that. Remote or virtual students can log in and take a spelling test just as if they were sitting in the classroom.
Automated Spelling Test
This feature allows for students to take their weekly spelling tests independently. There is no need to call out the words and read example sentences.
Students can work at their own pace and can request to have the word repeated at any time. A sample sentences is provided that uses the word in context. Teachers can also enter their own sample sentences.
As soon as the student finishes, the spelling test is automatically graded and reports are ready to view.